Estate 阅读时间:6分钟


How the Queen of Soul, the Lizard King, and Other Celebrities Determined Their Legacies   

名人都是凡人. Tabloid newspapers and celebrity magazines and websites make bank chronicling their every moment, from going out for a coffee to attending glamorous premieres and glitzy concerts. And, yes, 每当他们犯了错误, 这些插座将它实时带到你的手机和平板电脑上. 

Sometimes these “oops” moments follow our celebrities long after they’ve taken their final bows, 因为他们的继承人和其他利益相关方争夺他们的遗产. 你可能会认为这些恒星, 带着他们庞大的随从, 生活中一定信任金融专业人士, 协助他们制定房地产策略,但在很多情况下, 你就错了. Whether it’s because they have misconceptions about estate strategy or because they passed unexpectedly, 这些名人看到他们的遗产变成了拔河游戏. 

灵魂歌后, 艾瑞莎•弗兰克林, was one of the biggest recording artists in American history and a best-selling artist globally. 从她早年在她父亲的底特律教堂唱福音开始, Aretha found success with singles like “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman,“《赌博手游下载》。,” and “Think.在公告牌排行榜上有112首单曲, 富兰克林在20世纪60年代的热门歌曲排名第一, 70s, 80s, 90s, and, finally, 2014. 在流行音乐界,她的遗产是毋庸置疑的. 

Less assured, though, were the many financial rewards Aretha reaped from her legendary career. 在她2018年去世后, 在她的物品和文件中发现了多份文件, 这导致了一场为期四年的关于灵魂音乐女王遗产的法律纠纷. 对家庭成员来说,这场审判既激动人心又充满戏剧性, 甚至还有艾瑞莎的语音留言, 来自远方的真实声音, used to determine the fate of not only her fortune but also her intellectual property (songs, recordings, and more). Ultimately, the court decided that four pages handwritten by Aretha and discovered in her couch represented her actual final will. 1,2

虽然你的房地产策略可以随着时间的推移而改变, 尽快将您的更改形式化是很重要的. 事故总会发生, but those handwritten pages might have done Aretha’s family more good in the hands of a professional than tucked away in a piece of furniture. 这可能会帮助他们避免如此漫长的法律程序.

大多数20多岁的人不会过多考虑他们的财产. Jim Morrison was too busy living the life of a rock star to give the matter his full attention. 1965年至1971年, 莫里森是门乐队的主唱, 这支以迷幻为灵感的摇滚乐队凭借《赌博手游下载》大获成功, I Love You,“点燃我的火。,和“疯狂地爱她”.” Together, they went from the opening act at Los Angeles’s Whisky a Go Go nightclub to touring the world in support of their six albums. 记录L之后.A. 1971年的女人, Morrison (known as “The Lizard King” to fans) decided to take some time off and live in Paris with girlfriend Pamela Courson. 几个月后,莫里森死于心力衰竭,年仅27岁.

尽管他的生活节奏很快,挥霍无度, 这无疑是导致他英年早逝的原因, Morrison did leave a two-page will naming Pamela Courson as his primary heir. 在他去世时,他的财产并不多, between his quarter ownership of the Doors and the renewed interest in the band fostered by his passing, 他的地产发展成为一个金融巨头. Unfortunately, Courson passed three years after him, with no will of her own. 这引发了一场关于莫里森遗产的争论, with both his own parents and Courson’s heirs challenging the competence of his will. Ultimately, they elected to divide Morrison’s estate evenly, out of court.3

The case of Morrison’s will highlights two important factors: 1) Everyone needs a competent estate strategy, 即使是那些可能觉得自己太年轻而不能担心这些事情的人. 2) A clearly written and well-thought-out will may be able to lock down your final intentions. 在莫里森的案例中, he specifically excluded his estranged parents from his will without naming them, 而是将他的兄弟姐妹列为库森之后的候补继承人. There were certainly other (or better) ways to favor his siblings over his parents, 也避免了库森去世后的法庭闹剧.

这是两个著名的例子, 还有许多其他著名的名人庄园需要考虑, 包括以下内容:

  • Frank Sinatra made sure his $100 million estate had no issues; he stipulated a provision disinheriting any individual who contested his will. 最终,他们按照他的方式做了.3

  • Comic and actor Robin Williams left his estate to his children and a house to his wife, 条件是她死后房子归他的孩子所有. Unfortunately, 他对他的私人物品只字未提, 包括珍贵的电影纪念品, 它存在于房子里, which led to a dispute between the parties that was settled out of court in 2015.3

  • Model and reality star Anna Nicole Smith, who famously married businessman J. 霍华德•马歇尔, was not mentioned in her elderly husband’s will when he died 14 months into their marriage. The existing will, predating the wedding, named Marshall’s son as his primary heir. 这导致了一场持续了20年的非常公开的法律纠纷. By the time the court made its second and most recent ruling (the ruling can still be reopened), 安娜·妮可和马歇尔的儿子都去世了.3

  • Prince, who once went to great lengths to force his record label and the media to refer to him by an unpronounceable symbol, 从来没花时间写遗嘱, 非正式或其他形式. It took six years for Minnesota courts to determine the heirs of his $156 million, 把它分成两个有限责任公司, 每一家都由普林斯六个同父异母的兄弟姐妹中的三个控制.4

These stories may be fascinating and tragic but they all underline the importance of a clear and comprehensive estate strategy. Even those of us mere mortals who don’t have to deal with record executives, 电影制片人, and the paparazzi have the potential to make mistakes that can be costly and troubling to our families and loved ones.

1. 《赌博手游下载》2023年7月11日
2. 底特律自由报,2023年4月21日
3. 蛋糕,2020年8月25日
4. CNN, 2022年8月3日

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