生活方式 阅读时间:4分钟


我们正处于一场前所未有的财富转移之中, with trillions of dollars being moved from one generation to the next. This transfer challenges many commonly held notions as new values and interests become more prominent. 简而言之, 经济正在发生变化, and while some of these new practices might raise an eyebrow or two, 并非所有这些想法都毫无价值.

对于婴儿潮一代来说, it might be easy to become upset with or confused by millennials' differing points of view. 然而, taking note of the differences between the two generations can foster better communication and understanding.

年轻一代, 包括千禧一代, Z一代, 变焦者, 不管你怎么称呼它们, 对财富的看法与他们的祖先不同. 随着这几代人步入中年, an interesting trend has emerged in emphasizing YOLO (You Only Live Once). 现在这几代人掌握了方向盘, they seem to be stepping on the gas and running full force into exciting, 一生一次的经历.

At this point, it bears looking at the “why” of the YOLO economy. In other words, why do these forty-somethings spend as if there is no tomorrow?

Less money: Your average 40-year-old earns about $49,000 a year. While this is more than the 40-year-olds of the previous generation, the rising cost of living has taken a significant bite out of that difference.1

Less control: This generation also holds a smaller piece of the pie. While the post-WWII cohort controlled 22 percent of wealth in the United States once it reached middle age, 千禧一代只控制了7%.2

Perhaps the biggest factor is less marriage: Middle-aged millennials are less likely to be married or start families than prior generations. Only 44 percent of millennials have walked down the aisle by age 40, compared to 61 percent for Generation X and 53 percent for baby boomers. Only 30 percent of millennials live with a spouse and at least one child, 远低于前几代人. This means that the expenses that come with a family are also off the table. If you aren’t married, the costs of a possible divorce are simply gone. 没有孩子, 你不必每年秋天都买校服, 牙套, 以及帮助孩子成长所带来的一切.3

The result is a very different economic picture for today’s middle-aged individuals. Consequently, all of these differences have informed a different set of values. Among millennials, 78 percent prefer spending money on experiences rather than material things. While prior generations may have placed more importance on things like home ownership, 购买汽车, 和投资, millennials are looking at a different future with disparate priorities. For these reasons, spending on travel, exclusive events, and entertainment has become a priority.4

Of course, many boomers today find themselves in similar situations as middle-aged millennials. 大多数婴儿潮一代都已退休, with their children growing and perhaps finding themselves needing further stimulation in their golden years. 而许多人继续做兼职, 创业, 或者帮助他们的家庭照顾孩子, 他们身上可能也有一种“一生一世”的精神, 以及对冒险的类似渴望.

有充分的理由. While their middle-age experiences may have been very different, there is no better time than now to take that big trip you’ve always thought about. Maybe it’s time to splurge on those expensive concert tickets or challenge yourself through a special adventure that always seemed impractical, 比如学习水肺潜水或跳伞.

这对一些人来说可能太远了, but it’s important to remember that wealth can serve us in two ways: providing security and allowing us to enjoy life. If you’ve been working hard with your financial professionals to pursue that security, 也许是时候和他们谈谈你对享受的需求了.

It’s also possible that the younger people in your family have done too much YOLO and not enough saving and investing. A conversation with a trusted financial professional may help them understand how to balance living for today and preparing for tomorrow.

1. Businessinsider.2023年2月22日
2. 《手机赌博软件下载》杂志.2023年3月22日
3. Pewresearch.2023年10月19日
4. 哈里斯互动,2023年10月19日

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. 请咨询法律或税务专业人士 获取有关您个人情况的具体信息. This material was developed and produced by 手机赌博软件下载 to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 消费品, 有限责任公司, 不隶属于指定的经纪自营商, 国家或证券交易委员会注册的投资咨询公司. 所表达的意见和 所提供的资料仅供一般参考, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or 出售任何证券. 版权 手机赌博软件下载.


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